Winter Life With God 2025, St. John Lutheran, Defiance, OH 

Does God exist? What happens after death? Why are there so many different religions? Can the Bible be trusted? Why do bad things happen to me? I want to learn more about Lutheranism and become a member of a Christian Church. St. John’s “Life with God” explores and answers these questions and more in an informal, enjoyable, yet beneficial way through a 12-session/week course called “Life with God.” (LWG 1). Sign up below. We ask that participants attend 10-12 classes, and there are videos over each class that can be viewed for missed classes. Those who complete this course can become communicant members if they desire. Life with God will be offered each winter, spring and fall. St. John members are asked to attend a “Life with God,” class once every five years to renew and refresh their faith! LWG 1 is offered three times a year, in January, May and September!

TOPICS: Evidence for God’s Existence, Saving Faith, Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, The Bible, Law and Gospel, Living a Christian Life, Being a Part of the Body of Believers at St. John, The Reformation, Good Works, The Ten Commandments, Worship, & Christian Stewardship. Come to learn and grow together. DATES: Monday, May 20, 2024 thru Monday, August 19, 2024. Classes are held on Monday evenings in the Adult Bible Study room A from 6:30-8:30 P.M.. Bring nothing. On the last class we will bring refreshments /snacks to share. After the 2nd class, no new class members are to join, and all will receive a class notebook to keep. A confirmation/new member date will be set in the future.

TEACHER: Pastor Mews, who has been teaching Life with God for over 22 years!

FOR: Adults or high school students desiring to be members of St. John Lutheran Church, or those who want to support those attending. This class is also for those who simply desire to renew their faith or explore the basic teachings of Christianity and Lutheranism with NO pressure to join.

REGISTRATION: Return to the church office by Sunday, May 12, 2024 or hand to Pastor Kurt F. Mews.

St. John Lutheran Church “Life with God 1” (LWG 1) Registration Form:



Phone Number:______________________

Email Address: _____________________________________

Baptized: Circle –  Yes    No

Current Church Membership:_______________________________________

Check those which apply;

______I plan to attend Life with God and my desire is to become a communicant member of St. John.

______I plan to attend Life with God to renew my faith and/or to support a friend attending.

______I plan to attend Life with God to simply explore and learn about Christianity and Lutheranism.

______I plan to attend Life with God and will decide later about possible membership.

Other thoughts or concerns:

For more information call the church office at 419-782-5766 or email Pastor Mews at